Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prime Acrylic PMMA Prices to increase in February 2010

We are already seeing the price of Acrylic (PMMA) scrap going up by about $.03-$.04/lb in advance of the announced February 2010 price increase for prime PMMA sheet and pellets. Based on the price of MMA continuing to go up in the first quarter of 2010, the price of prime acrylic sheet and PMMA pellets will go up by 5-7% by mid-February. And do not be surprised if there is not another MMA price increase at the beginning of the second quarter of this year as well. MMA feedstock prices keep going up, so I expect to see the price of prime PMMA continue to rise in the first half of 2010.

Acrylic scrap supply in the USA is still tight due to our continued sluggish automobile and housing markets. Most of the major PMMA polymer producers are still running at plant utilization rates lower than what they were producing before the market correction at the end of 2008. This is why we see less PMMA scrap in the market that is available for recycling and MMA monomer recovery. Although business does seem to be picking up, and almost all of the PMMA polymers producers are starting to see slight increases in demand for their finished pellets and sheet. So maybe we will start to see a little more PMMA scrap entering the recycle stream from the USA, as we start see some recovery in the automobile and housing sectors.

The price for both Nylon 66 (PA 66) and Nylon 6 (PA 6) scrap is going up on February 1st. I think Nylon 6 scrap will see the greatest price adjustment, because prime PA 6 has seen the largest price increase since the first of the year ($0.24/lb). Do not be surprised if you see the price of wide specification (off grade) PA 6 pellets rise by $0.08-$0.14/lb. in February 2010. I think both of the largest USA PA 6 producers are trying hard to push through the same price increases for second quality pellets as they have announced for prime PA 6 resin.

The price of Nylon 66 scrap continues to go up on a monthly basis, and we have seen all of PA 66 materials increase in price between $.05-$.07/lb that have been purchased for February shipment. The price for PA 66 wide spec bright pellets and bright fiber bales increased the most this month, and all PA 66 base polymer pellets, baled fibers and lump/chunk regrind prices are up again in February as well.

Here are some of the other material price increases that the market has seen in 2010.
ABS / SAN Price was up $.12/lb in January, $.05/lb increase announced for Feb 1st.
Styrene Price was up $.10/lb in January, $.05/lb increase announced for Feb 1st.
Polycarbonate After the announced February price increase, it will be up in price by $.15/lb. since the start of 2010.

Dualloy sells the following types of Acrylic (PMMA) sheet / scrap.
Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White (segregated) lumps / chunks for crackback
Acrylic PMMA - Q1 / Q2 Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White extruded sheet trim scrap

Dualloy Sells the following types of plastic resins and polymers.
Nylon 66 – PA 66 Wide Specification Pellets, Baled Fibers, Regrinds
Nylon 6 – PA6 Prime Pellets, wide specification pellets, plant scrap
ABS, SAN, GPPS Wide Specification Pellets, GPPS / SAN Devol Pellets
SBS, SEBS, SIBS Second Quality Pellets, Aged/Obsolete Inventory

Dualloy purchases/sells plastic resin and polymers in the following forms.
Aged/Obsolete Virgin Pellets
Wide-Specification Pellets
Clean uniform Plastic Regrinds
Reactor Lumps/Chunks/Patties
Nylon Fiber Bales

Dualloy has the following Nylon 66 (PA66) materials available for sale:
Nylon 66 Semi Dull Wide Spec Pellets
Nylon 66 Dull Second Quality Pellets
Nylon 66 Textile Bright Pellets
Nylon 66 Pellets w/ up to 0.02% TiO2
Nylon 66 Mixed Color Regrind
Nylon 66 Bright / Semi Dull / Dull Baled Fibers
Prime Nylon 6 Pellets 2.7 RV - Natural
Packaged in 1,500# boxes

Nylon 6 Wide Spec Chips – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2
May have blue/green HS pellets present

PA6 Unpelletized Chopped Strands – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10%-12% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2

Prime ABS Natural Pellets
3.5 Melt / 4 Izod - Low Gloss

ABS Natural Wide Specification Pellets
4 Melt / 7 Izod - High Gloss

ABS Black Pellets
5 Melt / 4 Izod

Prime SAN Pellets
8 Melt Crystone

SAN Devol Pellets
Blue Color

GPPS Devol Pellets
Mixed Color for Black

Please feel free to contact me at:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prime Nylon 6 Resin Prices to increase February 1, 2010

The two largest North American (NA) Nylon 6 (PA 6) producers have announced February 1, 2010 price increases for their prime grades of material. Honeywell increased their price for prime PA6 resin by $.10/lb. on January 1, 2010, and they have announced another $.14/lb. price increase effective February 1st. BASF had raised their prime Nylon 6 resin prices back on December 1, 2009, and they as well have announced a February 1st material price increase of $.12/lb. The NA prime PA-6 resin market has seen a material price increase of around $.22-$.24/lb. since December 2009. All of the recent Nylon resin price increases have been attributed to the constant increase in the price of Benzene. In the last year Benzene has increased in price from just over $1.00/gallon to its current level around $3.50/gallon plus. Dualloy expects to see the prices of non-prime wide specification Nylon 6 pellets, fibers and scrap to increase in line with the prime resin. At this time most of the major polymer producers are trying to pass along the same $.12-$.14/lb. price increases into their secondary materials market. We feel the February 1st price increase for Nylon 6 prime resin will easily drive the price of non prime Nylon 6 pellets to a level above $1.00/lb.

Expect to see continued increases in the price of non prime Nylon 66 (PA 66) in the coming months as well. PA-66 continues to be in tight supply around the world, which has helped to drive the prices up in this market over the past several months. PA66 feedstocks have been tight for at least the past 3-4 months, which has also added to the current tightness of finished Nylon 66 resin. So between slow but steady increase in demand for finished resin and fibers, tight supply of intermediaries, and the continued increase in the price of Benzene, we expect to see the prices of non prime Nylon 66 resin, fibers, and scrap continue to rise in the first quarter of 2010.

Here are the other material price increases that we are seeing for January 2010.
Polyethylene - PE $.07/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010
Polypropylene - PP $.03/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010.
(Looks like $.03/lb. will stick.)
Polystyrene – PS $.10/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010.
Expect to see this increase stick ($.05/lb. Jan 1st, $.05/lb. Jan 15th)
ABS, SAN $.07/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010.

Dualloy sells the following types of plastic resin / polymers.
Nylon 66 – PA 66
Nylon 6 – PA6
Acrylic – PMMA

Dualloy purchases/sells plastic resin and polymers in the following forms.
Aged/Obsolete Virgin Pellets
Wide-Specification Pellets
Clean uniform Plastic Regrinds
Reactor Lumps/Chunks/Patties
Nylon Fiber Bales

Dualloy has the following PMMA materials available for sale:
Nylon 66 Semi Dull Wide Spec Pellets
Nylon 66 Dull Second Quality Pellets
Nylon 66 Textile Bright Pellets
Nylon 66 Pellets w/ up to 0.02% TiO2
Nylon 66 Mixed Color Regrind
Nylon 66 Bright / Semi Dull / Dull Fiber Bales

Prime Nylon 6 Pellets 2.7 RV - Natural
Packaged in 1,500# boxes

Nylon 6 Wide Spec Chips – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2
May have blue/green HS pellets present

Nylon 6 Unpelletized Chopped Strands – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10%-12% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2

Prime ABS Natural Pellets
3.5 Melt / 4 Izod - Low Gloss

ABS Natural Wide Specification Pellets
4 Melt / 7 Izod - High Gloss

ABS Black Pellets
5 Melt / 4 Izod

Prime SAN Pellets
8 Melt Crystone

SAN Devol Pellets
Blue Color

GPPS Devol Pellets
Mixed Color for Black

Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White (segregated) lumps / chunks for crackback
Acrylic PMMA - Q1 / Q2 Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White extruded sheet trim scrap

Please feel free to contact me at:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Plastic Pellets / Regrind Materials for Sale – Nylon 66, Nylon 6, Acrylic PMMA, ABS

Dualloy Inc. is the Houston, Texas, purchasing / sales office of Dualloy Engineering Polymers Ltd. out of Hong Kong. In addition, Dualloy has a sales office / warehouse located in Guangzhou, China to service our customers in Hong Kong / China. Our main focus is on direct sales to end use added value compounding, injection molding, and profile extrusion companies around the world. We currently sell material in the USA, Europe, Mexico, India, and mainland China. Please give Dualloy a call for your next material price quotation.

Dualloy sells the following types of plastic resin / polymers.
Nylon 66 – PA 66
Nylon 6 – PA6
Acrylic – PMMA

Dualloy purchases/sells plastic resin and polymers in the following forms.
Aged/Obsolete Virgin Pellets
Wide-Specification Pellets
Clean uniform Plastic Regrinds
Reactor Lumps/Chunks/Patties
Nylon Fiber Bales

Dualloy has the following plastic materials available for sale:
Nylon 66 Semi Dull Wide Spec Pellets
Nylon 66 Textile Bright Pellets
Nylon 66 Pellets w/ up to 0.02% TiO2
Nylon 66 Mixed Color Regrind
Nylon 66 Bright Fiber Bales

Nylon 6 Wide Spec Chips – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2
May have blue/green HS pellets present

Nylon 6 Unpelletized Chopped Strands – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10%-12% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2

Prime ABS Nat Pellets
3.5 Melt / 4 Izod - Low Gloss

ABS Nat Wide Spec Pellets
4 Melt / 7 Izod - High Gloss

ABS Black Pellets
5 Melt / 4 Izod

Prime SAN Pellets
8 Melt Crystone

SAN Devol Pellets
Blue Color

GPPS Devol Pellets
Mixed Color for Black

Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White (segregated) lumps / chunks for crackback
Acrylic PMMA - Q1 / Q2 Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Acrylic PMMA - Clear / White extruded sheet trim scrap

Dualloy is always interested in purchasing the following types of Acrylic (PMMA) scrap.
Aged / Obsolete Virgin Pellets Clear or Colors
Aged / Obsolete Q1 / Q2 Masked Sheet from inventory
Tub / Spa Vacuum Form Scrap (PMMA/ABS laminated sheet / scrap)
Sign Scrap / Waste (from both new/used signs)
Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Profile / Sheet Extrusion Trim Scrap
Cast PMMA Sheet / Trim Scrap
Cast Sheet Trim w/PVC Gasket
Injection Molding Parts / Purge
Automotive Tail Light Assemblies
Impact Modified (DR Type) scrap
Airplane / Bus / Helicopter Windows
Bank / Barrier / Bullet Resistant Sheet
POP Displays

If your company generates PMMA scrap or waste please give Dualloy a call, so we can purchase your material for one of our Acrylic recycling or MMA monomer recovery programs.

Please feel free to contact me at:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Recycling Acrylic - Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Waste / Scrap in the USA

Most types of Acrylic (PMMA) materials are recyclable and have enough value to make the PMMA scrap worth collecting for recycling purposes. If the acrylic scrap in not clean enough to be used to make new recycled content products, the material can be reprocessed to recover the acrylic monomer from the PMMA scrap. The Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) monomer extraction process is usually referred to as “cracking monomer” or “monomer crackback”, and is now typically done only in China and India. The recovered MMA is sold back into tier 2 type acrylic applications such as colored PMMA sheet / pellets, lacquers, and paints. In order to make good clear Acrylic sheet the sheet manufacturer will usually use virgin MMA, because the recovered MMA is not clear enough to make Q1 Grade Acrylic Sheet.

Dualloy Inc. is a plastics recycling and plastics sales company that purchases all types of acrylic waste and scrap for recycling. We work directly with the major North American / European PMMA polymer manufacturers, and plastics molding and converting companies to recycle their plant scarp / waste. Dualloy purchases PMMA wide specification injection molding / extrusion pellets, Q1 / Q2 masked sheet (extruded and cast), sheet trim scrap, and lumps/chunks and purge patties. Then we sell the material that we purchase and collect into the acrylic recycle markets around the world.

Dualloy is always interested in purchasing the following types of Acrylic (PMMA) scrap.
Aged / Obsolete Virgin Pellets Clear or Colors
Aged / Obsolete Q1 / Q2 Masked Sheet from inventory
Tub/Spa Vacuum Form Scrap (PMMA/ABS laminated sheet)
Sign Scrap / Waste (from both new/used signs)
Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Profile / Sheet Extrusion Trim Scrap
Cast PMMA Sheet / Trim Scrap
Cast Sheet Trim w/PVC Gasket
Injection Molding Parts / Purge
Automotive Tail Light Assemblies
Impact Modified (DR Type) scrap
Airplane / Bus / Helicopter Windows
Bank / Barrier / Bullet Resistant Sheet
POP Displays

Dualloy has the following PMMA materials available for sale:
Clear / White (segregated) lumps / chunks for crackback
Q1 / Q2 Clear / White / Green Extruded Sheet
Clear / White extruded sheet trim scrap

If your company generates PMMA scrap or waste please give Dualloy a call, so we can purchase your material for one of our Acrylic recycling or MMA monomer recovery programs.

Please feel ree to send me an email to:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nylon 66 Scrap prices continue to climb in January 2010

As we move into the New Year the prices of both Nylon 66 (PA 66) wide spec pellets / scrap, and Nylon 6 (PA 6) wide spec pellets / scrap continue to climb in January 2010. The average price of non prime Nylon 66 is up $.05-$.06/lb. depending on the type of wide spec pellets, fibers, or scrap that your are purchasing. Prime Nylon 6 experienced a $.10/lb. price increase effective January 1st, and the USA PA6 polymer manufacturers have announced another $.14/lb. price increase effective February 1st. The price of non prime Nylon 6 pellets, fibers, and scrap increased about $.06/lb. on average in the month of January. The Nylon price increases are being driven by the constant increase in the price of Benzene. In January 2009 Benzene was around $1.00-$1.10/gallon, and currently Benzene is in the $3.50-$3.56/ gallon price range. Expect to see Nylon 66 and Nylon 6 prices stay elevated for the first 4-6 months of 2010, or until the price of Benzene starts to drop in late May or early June.

Here are the other material price increases that we are seeing for January 2010.
Polyethylene - PE $.07/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010
Polypropylene - PP $.03/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010
(Looks like $.03/lb. will stick.)
Polystyrene – PS $.10/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010
Expect to see this increase stick (Americas Styrenics - $.05/lb. Jan 1st, $.05/lb. Jan 15th)
ABS, SAN $.07/lb. Price Increase announced for Jan. 2010

We have the following materials listed below available for sale. Please call me for a price quotation.
Nylon 66 Semi Dull Wide Spec Pellets
Nylon 66 Textile Bright Pellets
Nylon 66 Pellets w/ up to 0.02% TiO2
Nylon 66 Mixed Color Regrind
Nylon 66 Bright Fiber Bales

Nylon 6 Wide Spec Chips – High Residual MonomerMixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2
May have blue/green HS pellets present

Nylon 6 Unpelletized Chopped Strands – High Residual Monomer
Mixed Grades / Mixed RV’s 2.4 – 5.0
May have up to 10%-12% residual monomer
Will contain pellets with TiO2

Prime ABS Nat Wide Spec Pellets
3.5 Melt / 4 Izod - Low Gloss

ABS Nat Wide Spec Pellets
4 Melt / 7 Izod - High Gloss

ABS Black Pellets
5 Melt / 4 Izod

Prime SAN Pellets
8 Melt Crystone

SAN Devol Pellets
Blue Color

SAN Pellets – High Flow w/ Black Specs
35-40 Melt Flow

PC CD High Flow Pellets
80 Melt

GPPS Devol Pellets Mixed Color for Black
High Melt: 20-23 MI

Please contact me for a material price quotation.